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Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Community Centre
Community Centre Hire
Pineham Community Centre is a hub for the local community which provides modern facilities and well equipped spaces which are ready and available for hire from September 2020.
The community area has excellent facilities and is a secure environment attached to Pineham Barns Primary School. The site is fully accessible with a lift to the first floor, baby changing facilities and provides ample parking to visitors.
There are 2 large spaces for hire which can be used to facilitate different community groups:
- Large Hall – Can be used to host sporting activities/parent and baby classes for example. This hall has it’s own changing rooms equipped with a shower and a kitchenette.
- Meeting Room – This space is perfect for large meeting groups and the room can be set up in many different configurations to facilitate different events.
Large Hall – £20 per hour
Meeting Room – £10 per hour
Further information regarding the hiring of the facilities can be found by clicking on the document below. If you would like to book one of these rooms or have any queries, please do not hesitate to call 01604 978120 or email [email protected]
Arrangements for Community Use Schedule