Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

School Performance Data

Highlights 2021-2022

  • Outcomes in Early Years were above national with 85% of pupils achieving a good level of development.
  • 97% of the children in Year One met the expected standard in phonics.
  • Outcomes in Year Two were above national across ever area, with Maths and Writing being in the top quintile of schools national for the Expected Standard and the top quintile for Maths, Reading and Writing for those achieving Greater Depth.
  • Our first cohort of Year Six children left the school this year and achieved 93% in Reading, Writing and Maths combined, with 20% of the cohort reaching the higher standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined.

Achievement Summary 21 22


Highlights 2018 – 2019

  • Outcomes in Early Years were in lin with outstanding schools and above national with 82% of pupils achieved a good level of development.
  • Every child who received the Pupil Premium in Early Years achieved a good level of development, with a significant proportion achieving exceeding in Number, Shape and Space.
  • Phonics in Key Stage One improved again, with 93% of pupils meeting the expected standard.
  • Outcomes at the end of Key Stage One were very high and well above national in Maths and writing at the expected standard
  • The percentage of pupils achieving greater depth was significantly above the national in all areas.

For more information on our outcomes, please click on the link below

Summary of Attainment 2019

Link to the Department of Education Performance Table can be accessed here.