Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Fun, Creativity and Achievement

Consultation Results

We are pleased to publish the results of our consultation survey. We had 77 responses to the survey in total, both from the online survey and postal respondents.  Results showed that an overwhelming majority of responses were in favour of the school, the curriculum and of the school entering into a Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State.

Please click on the link below to see the full results:

Survey results

A small number of questions were received during the course of the consultation period. Please click on the link below to see the questions and the school’s response to these.

Questions raised from the consultation