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Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Relationships Education
Relationships Education is a compulsory curriculum area for all schools. The aim of this area of the curriculum is to ensure that children have the knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their well-being, health and relationships. Through the Relationships Education, pupils are supported to develop their resilience, to know that they can ask for help and to know where to access support.
At Pineham Barns, the Relationships Education supports children by providing them with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their well-being, health and relationships. The curriculum enables them to build positive and safe relationships with family and friends online by ensuring they are taught the following, before they leave primary school.
- Family and people who care for them.
- Caring friendships
- Respectful relationships
- Online relationships
- Being safe.
Relationships Education, is a hugely important part of our school and is taught as part of our Well-being Wednesday sessions. Further information about Well-Being Wednesday can be found on the following link.
In implementing our Relationships Education curriculum, families were consulted with in the spring term 2021. The policy was subsequently approved and can be viewed below.
Relationships Education Policy 2025
Our main priority is your child’s safety, happiness and well-being at school. If you have any concerns about another child’s inappropriate behaviour towards your child, then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Stewart or any other members of the safeguarding team.
If you raise any concerns, the team will listen to the points that you raise, which will be treated very sensitively by the team. As a school, we will then work with you, your family and any external partners to ensure the best outcome for your child.
Mrs Stewart can be contacted on (01604) 978120 or out of hours on [email protected]