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Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Families In Partnership
The primary focus of the Families in Partnership model is to ensure the Trust communicates and engages with our school communities, becoming ‘anchor institutions’ in their local area.
We want parents, carers, and members of the local community to be at the heart of our Trust.
Each school has its own Families in Partnership group made up of Trustees, the school Principal, elected parents and members of the school community. The meetings are also open to all members of the school community to join.
All elected and nominated representatives will adhere to the Nolan Principles of Public Office and safeguarding requirements.
The role of the elected parents is to provide feedback on school priorities, ethos and direction, ‘championing’ school achievements, developing local links for learning and employment, and providing a link to the school community.
Our elected members provide feedback from the community; raising concerns and helping to shape the work of the school and Trust. We also ask our elected parents to attend, where possible, key school events, such as Sports Days and Parents’ Evenings.
How it works:
At each meeting, the group receives updates on developments at the Trust and priorities of the school whilst having the opportunity to provide feedback and ask any questions.
There is also a section to discuss any local matters affecting the school or the school community. Items can be added to the agenda by elected parents or raised at the meeting by members of the community.
All elected and nominated members will be able to access the Trust Governance Professional as required about any matter relating to the group.
An overview of each meeting will be on each school Families in Partnership web page and will be included in the Principals Newsletter. All elected and nominated parents will have a pen portrait on the school Families in Partnership webpage. Members will be expected to be a voice of our parents and community but not the voice of the parents or community. Moreover, the group is not a place for parents or individuals to discuss their child or an individual child. The group will focus on the school as a whole.
Our next meeting date is February 1st 2024 at 7pm
Our Families in Partnership members:
Caroline Stewart – Principal
Caroline has been a senior leader since 2006 and has been a Headteacher since 2014, in two different schools. Through these opportunities, she has demonstrated that she is able to quickly tackle underperformance leading to significant improvements; she has also had the privilege and experience of successfully opening the Trust’s first free school, Pineham Barns Primary School.
Through her varying skills, Caroline has also supported schools across Northamptonshire by working closely with Senior Leadership Teams and the Local Education Authority to raise standards in their schools through a strategic partnership.
Gary Allen – Nominated
Gary has recently worked as a self employed management consultant. He specialises in customer experience, team engagement, and performance management. He also supports businesses in setting out clear strategic goals that can be understood and acted upon at all levels of the organisation. Gary has previously held the positions of PTA Treasurer, Parent Governor and Local Advisory Board member. He is a well known and active member of our school community.
Declarations of interests