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Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Online Safety Tips For Parents
This page is frequently updated with top tips for parents to ensure that pupils are safe when online. Links from our newsletter, direct parents here to keep them updated with any relevant information. If you have any concerns, please contact Mrs Dell our Online Safety Lead.
Screen Time in The Age of Coronavirus
I am aware that these are very unusual circumstances and children are more than ever accessing online platforms frequently for many different reasons. It is very important to not only understand the importance of using these safely but also understand how screen time can be leveraged for learning and good entertainment.
This article is really useful to understand that it is not always about the duration of time a child is spent on the screen, but about the purpose of using devices. It highlights the benefits of different online platforms to the child to build and strengthen relationships, learn and relax.
Click the link below the read:
There is also a huge amount of information on the National Online Safety Website, to help protect your child and keep them safe while online, so please head to their website below for more guidance. They add weekly guides which are easily accessible on a variety of topics including information regarding Zoom, Disney+ and top tips for remote learning for parents and children, to name a few.
Staying Safe Online over the Christmas Period
During the Christmas period, many children will be using technology to share their excitement with friends and family. Children may also receive new technology devices. By following the safety tips on the poster from the National Online Safety, you can make sure that your children’s personal information stay private, the correct privacy settings are set up and their online activity overall is responsible, healthy and most of all enjoyable.
Please click on the link below for further information.
Norbert the Alien – Online Safety Workshop
We recently had a visit from the Online Safety Officer from Northamptonshire County Council. The children met Norbert the Alien who gave them lots of top tips for keeping children safe while online. Thank you to the parents who also attended the workshop and found it very useful and insightful to ensure that your children are safe online. For those of you who weren’t able to make the workshop, here are some of the key facts from the session.
- The average age of an online gamer is 34
- 74% of gaming is made up by adults
- 74% of free mobile apps sell on our personal information, this includes social media and Tik Tock
- 1 in 3 child sexual offences now starts online in Northamptonshire
- 90% of 12 – 16 year olds in the UK believe their parents don’t follow their own rules on screen time
Some very worrying statistics and if you have any concerns about your child’s online activity, please don’t hesitate to speak to Mrs Dell our Online Safety Lead.
Please find some information below from Simon Aston with some top tips and advice.
Online Safety – Letter to parents
Online Safety at Pineham Barns
As we kick off the start of a new school year, let us remember how to keep ourselves safe online. To ensure your children are safe online please have regular discussions about online safety. As a School we use Online Safety Logos, each logo represents one of our Online Safety Rules.
You can remind them of the Online Safety Rules we use at school to help keep safe online: Safe, Pop, Tell, Ask, Accept, ask your child if they can explain them to you.
Goldilocks: A fairytale for the digital age
Another way to talk to your child about staying safe online, especially using social media responsibility, Vodafone have produced a new version of Goldilocks, written by Jeanne Willis. ‘The book is a modern twist on the classic fairy tale and offers a fun and accessible way for parents to discuss responsible social media use with their younger children.’
It can be downloaded for free at: https://www.vodafone.co.uk/mobile/digital-parenting/goldilocks or by scanning this QR code:
Online Safety at Pineham Barns
Online Quiz
As part of our work to support online safety, we would like to highlight the link below to parents. This quiz from O2 and the NSPCC is a fantastic, fun way for families to have conversations about staying safe online. It can be played on phones, tablets, laptops and even Amazon Alexa, and aims to: ‘get families talking about the exciting possibilities of the internet, as well as the risks to look out for.’
Momo Challenge – March 2019
The following link provides parents with information regarding a sinster challenge, which is unfortunately trending currently.
Parents Workshop March 2019
The presentation and additional information is provided below from our workshop in March for parents. If you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Horrocks, our online safety lead.
Online Safety Workshop Presentation
A parent & carer’s guide to age relatings of online games and apps