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- Curriculum Intent & Implementation
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Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
School Lunches
Our School Dinners
From September 2019 ABM have taken over our catering. We are delighted to be working with them to provide our children with high quality lunches.
Free School Meals
We provide Free School Meals for Years R, 1 and 2.
Ordering A Lunch
Lunches can be ordered by logging on to: www.parentpay.
You can order you lunch until midnight the day before you wish your child to have it.
Please contact the school office if you require your log in details to be reprinted.
ABM Catering
ABM Nut Policy Allergen Policy (Education) nut free
Special Dietary Requirements
Please find below the special diet procedure and the link to our Special Diet request form. This form must be completed and returned to abm catering using the on-line portal, along with supporting medical evidence if requested.
GROW On-line Special Diet Procedure V2
Special diet letter Grow Sept 24