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Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Fun, Creativity and Achievement
Pupil Premium Funding
The Pupil Premium funding from the Department of Education is given to schools to support pupils who qualify for the funding, such as children who are looked after or are entitled to free school meals, (not to be confused with Universal Free School Meals, which are currently available to all children in Reception to Year Two). At our school, we use the funding to support and challenge the learning of these pupils, so that they make at least good progress in the core areas. We also use the money to support the well-being of our pupils who are entitled to the funding, and therefore use the money to cover the cost of additional curriculum opportunities, such as clubs and trips.
As a school, we continually evaluate the success of this funding in securing the pupil’s academic progress; ensuring that there is no attainment gap between the outcomes achieved for our pupils who qualify for the funding and other pupils nationally and within the school.
If you have any queries regarding this area, please speak to Mr Sinnamon who is the lead for Pupil Premium at our school.